Banking History and Credit Checks

Banking History and Credit Checks

Banking and credit rating has become so relevant in recent times for all individuals, especially in the determination of creditworthiness concerning grants and loans especially. We have created and nurtured a long legitimate relationship with reputable international and national financial institutions, who are committed to helping us with access to accurate and reliable information without blinking an eye.

We pride ourselves in delivery prompt and reliable Information for your legal use, Morrison Records Bureau has built strong legal relations with International, federal and national financial institutions who are dedicated in working with us to give you the right Information you need.

Most clients have multiple loads of accounts that are not known to other financial institutions which gives opportunities to the smart privileged applicants to always outsmart banks and loan companies living the legitimate applicants in difficult situations.

We are here to give you a foreknowledge of your applicants financial history.

Credit Checks

Credit checks show a record of a person’s credit-to-debt ratio and past bankruptcies, providing insight into how they have managed credit and bill payments in the past. This form of check is also an important indicator for positions where the employee will be handling or managing money.

Banking & Payment History

Banking history reports track how applicants have handled savings and checking accounts in the past. We check for overdrawn accounts, unpaid fees, fraud suspicions and banking history reports from various financial institutions.

Addresses & Bankruptcies

This search is a comprehensive search across all federal agencies and return records for all bankruptcies to identify personal bankruptcies associated with a job candidate and clients.

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We guarantee efficiency and proper verification processes to ensure your new hire is what they say they are and go above and beyond to discover.

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