Frequently Asked Questions


What services are you known for?

We are committed to running background checks, particularly on educational background, employment records, and criminal records. We also run checks on banking records, credit rating, rental history, and identification, and driving verification services.

What differentiate you from others in this business?

We can boast of a good number of experts with unquestionable sound experience in security and identity checks who share our vision of creating a shift in the way our competitors run their checks and handle clients.

What is your response rating?

Immediately the contact us option on our website is used, our automated system acknowledges your contact and redirects your inquiries to our team members, who are always ready to serve our growing client list.

What assurance do you give on information and data at your disposal?

We came into this company with full knowledge that we will be trusted with information and data about companies, institutions, and individuals. We undertake to manage all information and data with the utmost confidentiality in line with practices in all fiduciary relationships.

What are your core values?

Our core values include dedication, commitment to service, trust, integrity, teamwork, responsibility, and so on.

How can you be reached?

You can either visit our office during office hours or reach out to us online where our ever-committed team members are ever ready to serve you.


How long do we keep your information?

We keep your information for as long as necessary only to fulfill the purposes of the background check as outlined in our privacy policy unless otherwise required by law.

Who will your information be shared with?

We only share and disclose your information with the following categories of third parties as requested by you.

* Finance & Accounting Tools

* Payment Processors

* Government Entities

Get Started Today

We guarantee efficiency and proper verification processes to ensure your new hire is what they say they are and go above and beyond to discover.

Contact us to Request a Quote.




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